
  • MOOC coordinators Manuel Gértrudix Barrio & Rubén Arcos Martín
  • Content written by Kostas Tigkas
  • Multimedia design by Claudia Martín-Carnerero Lara & Alejandro Carbonell Alcocer
  • Visual Identity by Juan Romero Luis

When our message is failed, we may reinforce disinformation

Ethics and journalism for countering disinformation/misinformation

The professionals of Communication and the public must be aware that every detail plays a part in the context of Communication and the way the public receives the news. It is important the message to be clearly written to avoid the phenomenon of misunderstanding. Though, we must keep in mind that sometimes a fake information could be much more relevant to the public in terms of the simplification and the attractiveness of the message. Moreover, pay attention to the Headlines! Sometimes they have been created for “clickbait”, meaning that they catch readers’ attention and make them click on the fake news. More clicks means much more profit!

